Wednesday, February 23, 2022
I no make words go good. English hard.
I’m running out of icons and pretty colours on my little sidebar.
I’ve decided to scrap the third draft and start over again…
Welcome to draft 4, which is already filled with random notes like this one.
TBH, I don’t know which one of us was completely shitty when that was written, but my money’s on me. Beka seems like he’d be straight-edge. (When he’s not statutory raping a fucking 15 year old, that is. KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS, BEKA.)
So much shit on my mind and instead, I’m tearing apart a story that I’ve already written three drafts of to play with new point of views and - hopefully - get them to keep it in their pants. I DO NOT WRITE KIDDY PORN, GODDAMNIT.
At this rate, I’m going to have to age them up… and I hate that. I like AUs, but that’s totally not the story I wanted to tell.
Yearning. Slow burn. A love story spread over three years.
That’s the story I want to tell.
And the one I am completely incapable of telling.
Oh well. The 4th time’s the charm, right?
I’m trying to keep myself distracted.
The pending war in Ukraine. The new job. Life in general.
I’m a big ball of stress right now.
So, of course, the Sims released a new game pack today.
By all accounts, it is buggy as fuck, even despite being held back by a week. (And wasn’t that a week - the short version is, EA self-censored and refused to release the game in Russia. All hell broke loose. EA backed off and held the release a week to ensure that the game would launch globally at the same time. A whole lot of stupidity ensued.)
Still bought it. Haven’t even bothered playing yet.
I probably won’t get a chance until the weekend.
Maybe EA will patch it by then. (Or not. We still have bugs in the game that are several years old and well known by everybody. Like, there’s no way the SimGurus don’t know about them. Why they aren’t being fixed is anyone’s guess at this point.)
Also not helping is the fact that the 2023 NHL All Star game is being held in my backyard. At that place. That I used to work at. Before I got fired for being bipolar.
I’m torn between wanting to go and staying home. I don’t know which option is healthier.
I’m just glad that life is starting to become closer to normal again… I have a half marathon towards the end of March and I just signed up to run a 5K in early March. I have a Boombox concert to go to, and I might head to Universal on my birthday to see Gavin DeGraw.
Who the fuck knows.
All I know is that I’m stressed to the gills….
I need a nap, a cookie, and a hug.
#threewords • bipolar • Hockey • running • so many fandoms • Permalink