Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Can we talk about that tongue?

someone’s got a new movie coming out…

I’m back to reading Teen Wolf fan fic. Like tons of stories a week. My TW FF addiction is worse than my Yuri!!! on Ice one at this moment.

It’s so bad, I picked up the fic I started to write in 2017 (the failed NaNoWriMo / stop obsessing over buying a new house project) and started re-writing it. AGAIN. I’m on the third draft, but for whatever reason, I can’t write the characters the way I see them in my head… I never have a problem with writing out of character characters, but they feel wrong.

Which means it time to binge TW!

In the background.

While I work from home.

All day Saturday.


- - - - - - - - - - -

So… I got my job because a CEO networking group told my company’s owner that he needed a construction accountant.

I love construction accounting, and I love cleaning up messes.


I’m still feeling like I bit off more than I could chew.

I started in April and have been tearing apart the Quickbooks file ever since.

I’m still working on January. JANUARY.

It wouldn’t be nearly so bad, but I can’t just write sweeping journal entries and delete transactions all willy-nilly.


I tried that and it backfired.


I had to undo everything I did to clean it up.

Because of the way the books had been kept previously, I’m literally tinking the books. Transaction by transaction…. everything’s getting fixed, but jesus fucking crispy christ on a goddamn pogo stick, is it time consuming.

I’ve never had to tink accounting transactions before.

Seriously, this is like fixing errors in a cabled blanket. Stitch by stitch by painful stitch, it gets pulled apart and put back together.

Actually, no. It’s worse.

I can’t put my job in time-out…


Posted by Matty on 09/16 at 07:08 PM
completely randomso many fandomsPermalink

Thursday, September 03, 2020

1984 was set 36 years too early


I can’t believe the country is split in the way it is. There is no middle ground. Not any more…

I’ve been trying to stay out of political conversations - ESPECIALLY at work, where they lean a little more conservative - but tend to fail.

I basically threw a co-worker out of my office today because she wouldn’t shut up about Pelosi.

I’d be OK with her speaking her opinion if everything she said wasn’t a direct quote from Fox News or Trump commercials, but…

I’m just so over Trump and his fucking joke of a presidency.

Could we please end 2020 on a good note by preparing to inaugurate Biden?



Posted by Matty on 09/03 at 08:18 PM
liberal agendaPermalink