Tuesday, March 26, 2019

I solemnly swear I am up to #somuchgood

happy birthday to me

I know it’s a stupid piece of metal holding other stupid pieces of metal (and one piece of wood), but I am sooooooo pleased with this.

We won’t talk about all the other medals I need to complete.

Seriously. We’re not going to.


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Things are settling down.

I’m starting to find a rhythm. A method to the madness.

A way to tolerate a BLT sandwich that isn’t particularly fond of lettuce.

Yeah. You probably don’t want to know.


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I just put our schedule up on the whiteboard.

Holy shit, we’re going to be busy this summer.


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Had the best birthday ever -  TWO trips to Universal.

One with my little brother from another mother and his family. So nice to spend time with him.

One by myself. Which was even better. I fucking love going to Universal by myself.

The best part of going to Universal (besides spending all day in Diagon Alley and HOT butterbeer (HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!)) was when I bought ice cream for that mom and her daughter at Florean Fortescue’s Ice-Cream Parlour. There was something about the two of them that made me wish it wasn’t the 26th anniversary of my mother’s death on the 18th or the fact that my father died when I was 26.

Yeah. For not liking numbers, there’s a certain symmetry that’s always bothersome when the numbers line up like that.

Anyhoo… they were behind me in line and there was something about them. (Yes, I know I already said that.) When I offered to pay for their ice cream, the mother hugged the shit out of me. The cashier wouldn’t stop telling me how amazing I was for doing that.

But, in truth, I did it because I was jealous of their relationship.

Because that’s the best fucking reason to do something nice for someone, right?

I never said my actions make sense.


- - - - -

In other news, no more Sims. That’s a pretty good thing.

Working on my Drarry fanfic again after putting it into time out. (Why did I have to fuck up a perfectly good Drarry fic with soulmates and Weasley twins? Soulmates, pffffffft.)

Continuing work on my Yuri!!! on Ice fan fic, too. I think I’ve mentioned what a little shit Yurio is, so he’s been a lot of fun to write.

Reread my 2017 NaNoWriMo Teen Wolf (trainwreck of a) fic. I think there’s a lot of potential there, but I’m knee deep in two other fandoms. I’m good at multi-taking, but that’s way too many voices in my head clamouring for attention.

Oh. Wait. I can’t talk about the voices in my head. That’s bad.

Can I talk about hearing the fucking Hamilton soundtrack on a never ending loop in my head? It’s the earworm that refuses to go away. For weeks now, I can’t replace it with ANYTHING else. And, so help me Dog, have I tried…

Hallucination or earworm?

You decide. I’m going to bed.

Posted by Matty on 03/26 at 08:53 PM
#threewordsbipolarcompletely randomso many fandomsTravelPermalink

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Yurio is my spirit animal

I might be an asshole, but I’m your asshole

We have two IRL 5Ks coming up: one in March and one in April or May (I’ve forgotten). I’ve earned so many medals from the Potterhead Running Club (formerly known as the Hogwarts Running Club) that I need to think about a real medal display now. I’m pretty excited about that. It means that I’m putting in the miles and those are intentional miles - miles that I’ve gone out an walked on purpose, so that’s pretty cool.

I’m not sure if I’ll ever run or if I’ll graduate from 5Ks, but right now, I’m all about the bling and trying to enjoy the ridiculous weather down here.

In the past month or so, I’ve become addicted to the Sims again. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. I’m in a weird headspace and the more I try to define it, the messier it gets. The Sims is a safe place for me right now. I’m all about the safe places.

In other news, we found a Doggy Shrink and hopefully we can schedule a meeting. I’d really like to wean Guinness away from day care because I am tired of paying for it. He’s seven, turning eight, this month. He should be able to stay home a day or two every week.

Made the Wonder Hubby watch Yuri!!! On Ice. Have to say, I was pleased by his reaction. I didn’t think he’d get into it, but he was laughing when he was supposed to, and asking questions about the show. I’ll take it. YOI has made me so happy since I discovered it. Plus, Josh Grelle is coming to SuperCon and I can’t wait to have him sign my Blu-Ray case.

Speaking of YOI, I’m working on my fan fic and it’s changed drastically from the original idea. (I apparently can’t say that the characters have told me to piss off and that my only job is to take dictation because that means I’m hallucinating or some such bullshit.) In the beginning, I was working on a Victurri fic that takes them from Barcelona to St. Petersburg, filling in the gaps of that final episode. However, Yurio won’t leave them alone. So my little OTP fic has become an OT3 fic because that ever evolving monster won’t back the fuck off.

I am rather enjoying writing a very angry little cock blocker, though, so I guess i can forgive him. For now. That doesn’t mean I’m going to make it easy on him. Not while he’s strutting around in his leopard print shoes and Russian team jacket, wearing cat ears and hating the world… You are totally going to suffer for a few chapters, you sexually confused, permanently scowling little shit.

Also, Otabek Altin exists and he is the perfect character to come in and fuck shit up. I mean, look at this shit:


How amazing is that?

I’m about to have SO. MUCH. FUN. taking dictation…

Posted by Matty on 03/06 at 09:43 PM
#threewordsbipolarcompletely randomso many fandomsPermalink