Saturday, May 25, 2019
David Tennant’s an idiot

yeah… that pretty much describes my weekend at megacon.
Nah, in all seriousness, I’m glad we sprung for Friday and Saturday. Friday was spent getting all my autographs done and seeing both David Tennant’s and Mark Sheppard’s panels.
God, Mark’s broke my heart, though. Everyone wanted to talk about Supernatural and his experience with the show wasn’t the greatest. The way they wrote his character at the end… even I was pissed off and I was only watching it on TV. I couldn’t imagine having to go to work and deal with that shit. I will freely admit to bursting into tears when he started talking about the #SPNFamily. We are a fandom as fucked up and broken as the characters we love, but when we pull together, we change the world. To hear him talk about us from a cast member’s perspective… I know our acts don’t go unnoticed by the cast, but damn. To actually hear it? In person? I’m tearing up now.
Saturday was BARROWMAN’S panel. Holy fuck. He is always worth the price of admission. I will always go to a con he’s at (if it’s local and within budget…I have Disney races to pay for and they are not cheap!) We got in line at 1PM for a 4:30 panel. Yeah. ONE P.M. We waited for three and a half hours for that man. The best part was when a MegaCon staff member stopped by and proceeded to warn the people with small children that MC could not control what John was going to say and it might be best to skip the panel. And yet, there were small children. One little girl was sent up to the stage to ask a question for her father. Dad’s name? Richard. I’ll let you guess how hysterical his reaction to that little nugget of information was.
In other news, Quidditch ended on the 15th and I crushed 50 miles.
Fifty fucking miles.
I thought that I’d get one, maybe two, miles in a day.
My last day, I got in seven miles. S-E-V-E-N.
(And then I was reminded by how much I love fucking shin splints…. and promptly took a week off to heal.)
I’ve also signed up for three races and wrote the following FB status so I’d always have a yearly reminder of how far I’ve come.
BANK: You just made three purchases from
Please confirm that you have LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND and that these aren’t fraudulent transactions.
ME: *thinking*
Two 5Ks back to back in June and a 5K/Half Marathon in December… yep, lost my fucking mind.
There’s another Whovian Running Club race I want to sign up for. I’m still waiting for my Enochian 9K medal to arrive. AND there’s still several IRL races I’ve found that I want to run.
I suppose there are worst things I can do with my time…
Sunday, May 05, 2019
The girl loves her bling…

for those days I know future me will have at some point :: as of 5 may, 2019
Medal |
Distance |
Medal |
Distance |
Victor E. Dash 5K (2017) | 3.1 miles |
Forgotten 5K | 3.1 miles |
Big Cat 5K | 3.1 miles |
Armchair to 5K | 3.1 miles |
Victor E. Dash 5K (2018) | 3.1 miles |
Baby 6.7K | 4.2 miles |
Dumbledore’s Army 5K | 3.1 miles |
Handles 5K | 3.1 miles |
Hedwig Memorial 5K | 3.1 miles |
Don’t You 4K About Me | 2.5 miles |
Nargle 9K | 5.6 miles |
Hell in High Heels 12K | 7.5 miles |
Platform 9 3/4K | 6.1 miles |
Stage 5 Clinger 5K | 3.1 miles |
Universal Orlando Fun Run 5K | 3.1 miles |
Star Wars Half Marathon | 13.1 miles |
Royal 10K | 6.2 miles |
Paws for a Cause 5K | 3.1 miles |
Winding Waters 5K | 3.1 miles |
82.4 |
Saturday, May 04, 2019

sweaty selfie :: big cat 5k :: palm beach zoo
This might be my last 5K with my husband. We normally walk them together, but he seems less and less interested. Plus, I want to start running them and he’s not going to do that. (Yet?)
On to Quidditch…
The dementors started running on the 2nd, giving the House teams a head start. Despite not being a competitive group, I’ve been outdoing myself to get the miles. I want to prove to myself more than anything that I can survive Quidditch and push myself to the point where the house teams are fighting themselves to get me in the Fall Quidditch “draft”.
Thursday, it was pouring so I hopped on the treadmill and planned to do a couch to 5K work out. Did that. Wasn’t tired, so I kept walking. Then it became a game to see how many miles I could go or for how long before I totally crapped out.
(This is the FUCK IT factor at work, by the way)
I crushed a little over 6 miles - a 10K.
Yesterday, I did a little over 5 miles.
Today, I did 3.3 at the Big Cat 5K and then hopped on the treadmill for another 1.7 as soon as we got home. No lie. It was the dementor power hour - all miles are doubled - so how could I sit on the couch? (FUCK IT! I can keep going…)
Tonight, I’m planning on taking the dog for a walk. Hopefully, the next PH will fall when I’m ready to drop my next batch of miles.
And for what it’s worth, I’m in 10th place for total miles in our group of 60. TENTH.
I’ve never done sixteen miles consecutively unless I was at Universal. I’ve done those sixteen in three days - thirteen which count towards PHRC medals. I’ve already claimed my last two 5Ks. I have a bunch of half marathon medals to complete. If I keep this up, I’ll have completed all the Potterhead/Whovian medals I have before Quidditch ends.
I’ll work on distances and speed soon. Right now I want to focus more on stamina. Making sure my fat ass doesn’t keel over, that sort of thing. I’ve been dropping weight, which is helping, so I’ve got that in my favour. Less weight means less strain on my knees and they’ve always been the first to get screwed up, whether it’s volleyball, marching band, skiing… I so much as think of being active and my knees act up.
I’m going to finish Quidditch and then go back to my training plans. Losing three weeks in my training won’t make a big deal because right now I’m paced to peak in early November. If I can shift peaking closer to December, I’ll still be fine for the Disney Half.
I think I’ve completely lost my mind, and I’m not sure I want to find it….