Sunday, July 06, 2008
*tap* *tap* Is this thing on?
michael stipe :: great woods (mansfield, ma) :: june 13, 2008
I’ve been a little busy since my last post…
1) I survived tax season and took a much deserved break from classes and life in general.
2) Got my other blog up and running. Feels good to be home. REALLY GOOD.
3) Spent some time with the in-laws and the reason God invented birth control.
4) Had a great weekend with my family - a little dinner, some perversion, lots of laughs. LOTS and LOTS of laughs.
5) Applied for a job in hockey… I didn’t get it, but things happen for a reason. After thinking about it, I’m not sure taking it would have been in my best interests.
6) Learned how to kayak. (We’ll be getting me one next summer. I don’t think J enjoyed sharing his today.)
7) Finished the guest bedroom and my scrapbook room. I did the scrapbook room in a Classic Pooh theme… NOT my best idea, but the room came out beautifully.
8) Did some serious introspection and will be revising the 5-year plan again.
9) Saw R.E.M. at
Comcast—whatever it is now. Between J and & I we got some great pix.
I’ll be back—just trying to get back in the swing of photoblogging.