Saturday, April 15, 2023
I’m not Dopey
I totally heard it in the dude’s voice
Marathon Weekend registration was this past Tuesday and apparently sold out in record time.
I was sitting in the neurologist’s office with my husband asking about options… but I’d already decided against trying Dopey again.
Right now, I don’t have the interest in running a marathon. 6 hours of running isn’t really what I want to do right now, and I doubt I’ll ever get fast enough to cut that time down.
So, I passed.
I did register for Wine & Dine, though. I think if I start training in earnest now, and maybe follow some of the Dopey / Wine & Dine rD training plans, I’ll be fine with the half marathon.
I need to redeem myself for the crappy runs I’ve had lately…
I have been pretty good about putting in some miles every day, though. They may not be quality miles, but they are miles.
I even started doing a lot of iFit workouts that are hilly or walking intervals, so I’m getting some variety in.
I’m doing the Space Coast South Half Marathon this Thanksgiving, and that should be fun. The South course has no time limit and I’m going for the experience - mostly because some of my favourite Dopeys are going.
I’m at peace with my decision, but I’m having massive FOMO this weekend (Springtime Surprise) because I love the medals and theming, but by the time I decided I wanted to do it, it was sold out.
In other news, I’m writing my first original piece of fiction in a long time. (AND it’s het!!!! Yeah. I don’t know where that came from either.) It’s a wee bit autobiographical, but I got inspired by reading these absolutely terrible books about women who work for sports teams.
I’m four chapters in, and it’s getting there. It’s a totally shitty first draft. I mean, really shitty first draft, but it’s a nice break from throuples and soulmates and statutory rape. (Wow. I write the full spectrum, don’t I?)
As if I don’t have enough hobbies I’m ignoring, I’ve decided to learn how to crochet.
So… that’s knitting, counted cross stitch, scrapbooking, sewing, photography, web design, and a few others that I have all this stuff for, but will probably do nothing with.
But, look at how cute Pierre is!

I should really do a photo dump here… I made a friend at the Ft Lauderdale half and the concerts have been amazing, but I don’t have the energy.
I know I should be scheduling Ukrainian lessons, but I don’t have the energy.
I know I should be doing… anything but I don’t have the energy.
I’m very obviously depressed, but having to watch a beloved family member deteriorate in front of your eyes will do that to you.
It turns out he tested negative for DM (but may be one of the 2% affected by it and doesn’t have the carrier gene for it), but it could be a spinal tumour or a herniated disk. It’s $5,000 for a doggy MRI… and then, he’d probably need surgery to fix either issue. He’s 12. I’m not putting him through all that… and as much as I love and will do anything for him, let’s be honest. It’s stupid to spend that much on him. It’s not going to increase his quality of life and I don’t want him to spend whatever time he has left dealing with the repercussions of those decisions.
We’ve got him on prednisone, but it’s a temporary fix.
We’ve bought some time, but I don’t know how much.
Fun times.
completely random • Hockey • Knitting • polyglot in training • running • Permalink