Sunday, March 22, 2015
C’est fini

In either a fit of brilliance, or a stupid side-effect of the prolonged, tumultuous, bipolar cycle from hell, I gave my notice at work.
I didn’t have a great plan, or a safety net, when I made the decision. All I knew was that if we could survive a year on unemployment, we could survive the next dry spell. I was totally willing to go bag groceries at the local supermarket, or flip burgers. Whatever it was going to take.
The universe caught on to my desperation before I finalised my resignation letter, and I started to get job openings dropped into my lap.
Recruiters started emailing me and calling me completely out of the blue.
The universe has granted me with a ridiculous amount of job interviews.
It even graced me with a job offer that I still need to make a decision about.
I don’t know - yet - what’s going to happen, but I have complete faith in the universe.
It’s done right by me so far…
Posted by Matty on 03/22 at 03:25 PM
bipolar •
completely random •
Sunday, March 15, 2015
So. Beyond. Pissed. Off.

and jkr wonders why so many ship drarry…
Our second mortgage was sold twice, and our new loan servicer has sucked since day one.
I noticed that they’ve been applying our payments only to interest and I’ve now called three times. Each time I’ve been told that it is a simple daily interest loan and that I’ve missed payments.
Bull. Shit.
It USED to be a HELOC - a simple daily interest loan, but I changed it to a standard P & I loan back in 2007. They claim that they have a copy of my promissory note that says it’s a HELOC.
I went to log into their site, but it doesn’t look like it belongs to a bank. ( Seriously. That’s the website on the bill.) I’m terrified to give them my personal information and open an online account.
So now I need to call them a FOURTH time and demand a copy of that promissory note… or hope to Dog that the website is legit so that I can download a copy of the note they’re referencing.
As if that’s not bad enough, TWICE I’ve asked for my amortisation schedule and they’ve sent me a statement of my payments.
The news online isn’t good - this is a company that does nothing but fuck over their customers.
I’m guessing that I will lose about $700 on the loan if I move it without straightening this out. It’s almost worth it to me to get it away from these fuckers…
In happier news, the response to my story has been awesome. It’s now my most kudo’d, most subscribed, and most bookmarked story on AO3. It’s lagging in hits, but they’re still jumping daily.
Also, in happier news, ask and ye shall receive.
I put something out into the universe, and the universe is delivering.
Maybe something will happen soon…
*fingers crossed*
Saturday, March 07, 2015
What a difference a week makes!

the crappy little fan fic that could
Yeah… I’m still a wee bit excited by the response.
I’m ridiculously proud of the (subtle) improvements in my Ukrainian. I knew it was finally sticking when I forgot to cancel this morning’s class. Amazingly, I had an excuse at the ready as to why the homework wasn’t done. I did end up doing the homework AFTER I realised I could tell her “I didn’t get any homework done because I was sick” in Ukrainian. In practically perfect Ukrainian.
Odd that THAT would serve as motivation to actually do the homework before today’s class. Class was still rough - I have no voice - but it wasn’t terrible.
My pronunciation still sucks balls, but everything else is progressing nicely.
Cranking along on my third Drarry fic.
Yeah. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me either.