Saturday, October 30, 2021
reminds me of the 75 different versions of the SG budget…
І ми продовжуєм нести свій прапор, а не хрест. Ми продовжуєм іти на власний Еверест.
And we continue to carry our banner, but not our cross. We continue to walk on our own Everest.
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We are at 5 days until Wine and Dine. FIVE! DAYS!
Five days until I run a 5K, a 10K, and a half marathon around Epcot. (And some Disney parking lots… *sigh*)
I can’t say that I’ve trained particularly well, but it can’t be nearly as hard as a Racery event.
(Also, whoever curated the runDisney Training playlist on Spotify needs some serious help. I find none of the songs inspiring.)
A zillion years ago, I wrote about this nifty little report I was trying to write.
A quick rundown of the process:
I beat the snot out of QuickBooks until I could run two reports.
I export those reports to Excel and clean them up. QuickBooks exports the Estimates vs Actuals report like… well, it looks like it barfed data all over the place. So, there’s a lot of cleaning up of that particular report. The custom Customer report isn’t nearly as bad, but it’s not necessarily great, either.
Once that’s done, I import them into Access.
Run a couple of queries.
Load the report.
A very usable, very pretty, Jobs in Progress report.
It mooshes, it squooshes, it slices, it dices!
Until you try to update the data.
And then it’s a different type of BOOM!
Yeah… I broke the fuck out of that when I went to update the data.
Part of the problem is that I couldn’t append the new information because it would create duplicates. It wouldn’t be such a bad thing, but it was hard to parse out the old data that way. So, I got the bright idea to append and then delete the old data.
And it was beautiful.
All the queries worked, but the report didn’t.
I thought it had something to do with the dataset becoming screwed up when I deleted the old data.
So I went to the backup I made. And then, because I don’t trust myself, I created a back up of THAT backup.
I named it NO TOUCHY because, well, I kept over writing the first backup.
I swear, I am smart.
I beat my head against the wall for a few weeks, playing with it here and there, when I had a spare moment at work.
Yesterday, I had the hallelujah moment.
Turns out there is a big fucking difference between CustNum and Cust Number. ESPECIALLY when the damn thing is looking for CustNum.
So now, my pretty report works again.
About fucking time.
Great snippet of life at home:
Me: So, I’m watching Titans and it’s OK. You know, DC Comics, Robin.
Him: I thought you didn’t like superheros.
Me: No, I don’t, but I’m totally down for some Dick Grayson.
Him: Dick Racing?
Me: That too.