Sunday, April 15, 2018
Run like there’s a hot guy in front of you and a creepy one behind you
paws for a cause 5k medals for all!
So… if you remember, I joined the Hogwarts Running Club and made 5K one of my three words.
It’s been slow going. Between the Hogwarts Running Club and it’s sister, the Whovian Running Club, I have quite a few miles to log. That’s not counting re-running the other virtual races I’ve done before.
Yeah. Re-running.
I decided when I joined HRC / WRC that I was going to EARN those medals. There were three rules:
1) I couldn’t count steps I took during the course of a normal day
2) I had to log miles in consecutive days for them to count towards a medal
3) I couldn’t double up races - a 5K IRL doesn’t count towards a virtual race unless it’s not medaled. If there’s no bling, it counts.
So far, I have the Hell In High Heels 12K, Dumbledore’s Army 5K, and Forgotten 5K medals to earn. I’ve already earned the Handles 5K and Nargles 9K medals. I earned the Handles in March on a walk with a ridiculous dog who refused to go home. I just (finally) earned the Nargle this week.
And that’s JUST those two clubs. I still have 3 Zombies, Run VRs to complete (5K/10K) and a few ridiculous races from the Harry Potter Alliance. I think those are a marathon and two 50 milers. PLUS, I have the Disney Star Wars Half Marathon VR medal…
The clubs may be virtual, but the miles and bling are real.
I’ve been trying to find more IRL races and today we did a 5K to support a Doberman rescue group. Guinney came with us and was an absolute joy to walk with. I was shocked when they handed me three finisher’s medals. I mean, he’s a dog. They gave him a bandana… but after walking that final half mile in the pouring rain (thank you, Florida!), I figured he deserved it, too.
The dementors have been chasing me a lot lately. I mean it’s been bad since we moved, but it’s been REALLY bad lately. I’m loving the support I’m getting from my fellow ‘Claws and it’s made it easier this week to get out and get moving. Exercise is a hard patronus to cast, but it works…
Guinness and I logged 9 miles over four days. Not a lot of miles compared to others in my groups, but it’s more than I did last week.
I’m looking to do a bunch more IRL races (including some of the Disney races and one at Universal), and two huge challenges over the next few years, so I’ve got to get off my ass.
I’d like to do the Tough Ruck next year… and there’s also an utterly twisted part of me that wants to do the Dopey Challenge in 2020 or 2021.
Yes. THIS Dopey Challenge. 40+ miles of absolute hell.

I’m still thinking about doing a GORUCK Challenge, too, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for it. These races? As long as I can walk them, I’m good.
OH SHIT! I forgot about pledging to do the 10 mile GORUCK Your Dog fundraiser, too.
It’s a damn good thing Guinness is an amazing walking partner.