It’s time for disembarkation…

November 30, 2013 :: 3:03 PM

holy fuck, whovians! never change…

One more chapter and ZURICH! is done. I’ve received a few comments that people want more, but… I don’t know. This Cabin Pressure fan fic was always meant to be a trilogy - first, we get Martin’s story, then Douglas’, and then finally, Marlas happens in all its fluffy goodness. There were four (and then five) chapters written in total, but I’m torn as to whether or not I add an epilogue. I could - there’s enough left in those chapters to cobble something together.

I’m not going to lie - it’ll be sad to leave this AU (Is it an AU? I don’t even know any more. Maybe?), but I think it’s time. I have plenty of other things to write about regarding Cabin Pressure, but this trilogy has come to its natural resolution… *sigh* I’m going to miss them.

In other fan fic news, I’m still cranking away on the Johnlock… 53K words or something ridiculous like that because I can’t put it down. I NEED to finish it. I’d like to finish it before NaNo ends tonight, but I don’t know if I can.


I was looking into a service called “TheTelly” - it basically lets you rent a slingbox that you can dial into and watch UK channels (overly simplified description of their business model.) I have other ways to watch Sherlock without TheTelly, but I thought it might be worth a try. So I started to look into it, and then I had questions. I had a rather nice email chat with a guy named Robert and then, in my final email, I joked that I would clean their corporate office’s toilets if they would sponsor me for a tier 2 visa. Then, he tells me to call him.

Um, OK. I did, but I still had some questions, so it was legit.

It turns out he’s a British ex-pat, living in Illinois, and he wanted to know why I wanted to move so badly. Then he spent 22 minutes (I looked at the phone) trying to talk me out of moving there. The VAT, the cost of petrol, culture shock, blah blah blah.

I know my reasoning sounds stupid, and even a tad bit immature, because, well, it boils down to “I just want to move there.” There’s no real thought behind it. Just the knowledge that it’s time. And I’ve always listened to my gut when it comes to things like this. Even though Ohio didn’t work out in the long run, it was worth all the shit.

I’ve been thinking about this move for a long time, but I’ve never had the balls to do it… well, I’ve grown a pair.

After his ‘sales pitch’ to emigrate to somewhere else in Europe, I came to the sad realisation that I couldn’t afford their services and then found several things wrong with his website… Of course, being a bug finder doesn’t get me a discount on their services. *pout*

Oh well, TheTelly’s not the only one that can provide me a slingbox I can dial into. I happen to have one in Belguim I can access… (BECAUSE I HAVE AWESOME FUCKING FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!)

Silly BBC, did you really think I was going to wait to watch it in the US?

If spoilers weren’t such a huge deal, I could be patient, but shit… I was seeing Doctor Who anniversary episode spoilers SECONDS after whatever it was happened in the show. Thank Dog that was aired simultaneously across the world. Could you imagine what would have happened if we had had to wait to watch it? (Well, besides the common everyday uproar that BBC America sucks some hardcore hairy wanger.)

So, yeah, that.


REALLY excited about Wednesday’s job interview. I’ve got to start prepping for the it. I don’t want to let this one slip through my hands…

And with that, I’m back to Johnlock…

Bad people access overseas stuff illegally. I am not a bad person.

November 29, 2013 :: 10:58 AM


So! We have the BBCOne air dates and they are easily accessible to Americans! (New Year’s Day, and then the next two Sundays! SUNDAYS!)

I’m also very happy that it airs in the US almost immediately after the UK broadcast dates. (Exactly a week after “His Last Vow” airs, but who’s keeping track of that kind of stuff? Not me. Nope.)

Not that I plan on waiting.

I. Am. Done.

November 28, 2013 :: 12:11 AM

final count: 50,027 words, two days left

The word count has been met, but the story is not done…

I left it mid-scene, but I need to put it away and get going on some other stuff. (Like knitting!!!) I should be able to pick it up in a few days and still know where I am / where I was going with it.

I’m cool with finishing it eventually, but editing it?

That scares the bejeezus out of me. It’s so fucked up that it’s going to take forever to piece it all together into something that makes sense.

But, you know, shitty first draft, 50K words vomited out of my brain thru my fingers, blah blah blah.

It’s done and I did it and there are a lot of people who can’t say that.

So. Another attempt. Another win.

Fuck. Yeah.

I see the finish line!

November 27, 2013 :: 5:03 PM

yeah, that sounds about right.

2,500-ish words to go!!!! I will reach my word count tonight and be a NaNoWriMo winner. WOOOOO!!!!

ZURICH! is still gaining popularity, but it’s slow and and kind of bumming me out. I’ve become addicted to my email blowing up with comments and kudos because the other two took off the way they did, and it’s not happening right now.


The temp job is OK. The commute is definitely a bitch, but mine isn’t nearly as long as the Controller’s and I have to keep reminding myself that it’s only a temp job. I have to experience the commute on a regular day. Thanksgiving week isn’t really a good representative of what it’s going to be like. So, yeah, patience, grasshopper.

I’m more than willing to commute into Boston (which is a bigger bitch), but at least I have several ways to get into Boston. I’d actually prefer Boston, so I could take the train in. Think of all the knitting I could do on the train! Socks! Hats! Mittens! Baby sweaters! I’d finally work my way through my WIPs and get to start new projects.

I’m very excited for my interview on Wednesday. I think I can pull off the bravado I need to really sell myself. I have a lot of prep to do to prove that I want this as badly as I do. I’m not letting this one slip through my fingers like the restaurant job.

In other job hunt news, I told this other company AGAIN that I wasn’t interested in the job. I want 40 hours of accounting work, not 20 hours of accounting and 20 hours of other shit. I know the state would be pissed because I passed up a ‘suitable’ job, but they’re not the ones that have to commute to Beverly and/or be bored to tears within a year. I’m assuming that since we never got to the nitty gritty of a REAL offer extension, it doesn’t count.

I don’t even know what to do any more.


I’m almost done with one sock - ONE! - for a pair I’m making for a Christmas present. It’s a good thing I won’t see the recipient until January!! Although, once November is over, I’ll probably take a little break from writing and work on the other sock. I’ve still got plenty of other things to write about (30 Day OTP Challenges), but the knitting needs to take priority. (See what I said about taking the train?)


Gah. I’m so boring, I’m even boring myself.

Writing, writing, writing, and more writing

November 25, 2013 :: 12:32 PM

i love storyist - this is my set up for the 30 day otp challenge

ZURICH! isn’t taking off as well / fast as the other chapters.  Which is disappointing, but OK. ZURICH! was always the awkward chapter and one I worked with so much - adding and stripping and adding and starting from scratch and pulling stuff out to shove it back in… It was painful, and I’m assuming the lack of kudos and comments is proving that point.


My NaNo on the other hand, while being completely exhausting, is finishing up nicely. We’ve already caught one killer, because he’s a fucking moron, and I’ve got the clichéd “John gets in trouble and Sherlock saves the day” ending all set. I’ve been alternating slices of life in 221B with the serial killers stuff and I’m having a hard time getting the Johnlock moments to feel legit. It’s actually a painful relationship to write…

It’s hard because I am Sherlock. Honestly. I’m drawing from my own experiences with intimacy/sexuality. John, on the other hand is the Wonder Hubby, if only because of his never ending patience with me.

So back to Sherlock - I run hot and cold. I’m either a crazy nympho who doesn’t ever want to leave the bedroom, or you can’t even get me in there. Some days, I want to cuddle so badly that I’m clingy and annoying. Some days, I can’t even be in the same room. I feel that, based on my own reactions to intimacy, that Sherlock would be very similar. I feel so sorry for John, just like I feel so sorry for the Wonder Hubby…

But taking something from my weird fucked up relationship and trying to write it / to fictionalize it? Wow. Nearly impossible. Fuck write what you know…


On that note, had an interview today where she knew, before I even got there, that I wasn’t a good fit because I’d be bored. I knew, based on the job posting, that I wasn’t a good fit because the money wouldn’t be there. We confirmed that within the first few minutes and that was all she wrote. We parted amicably, thanking each other for our honesty. Couldn’t ask for more.

Start my temp job tomorrow. It’s a three week contract position, with a possibility of going permanent. It’s an hour drive, but the woman I’d be working for starts her commute an hour north of me. This better be a hell of a job. I can’t believe she’d drive two hours for work every day for four years.

In other news, I absolutely adored her. The temp work is seasonal to get geared up for year-end, but the permanent side would be more of the accountant-y stuff I’m interesting in doing.

I guess we’ll see. I’m still hoping to hear about the other two this week.

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