чекай мене, коли все це мине

May 03, 2022 :: 7:37 PM

I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this collab, but it is LOVE. The video kills me… it was filmed in Ukraine, sooooo there’s that. The Ukrainian lyrics reference the way families are being torn apart. Like in Taras’ case, the lyrics speak to the way his wife and children fled the country and are currently living somewhere in New Jersey.

Between a shitty, shitty, shitty day at work caused by both AT&T and the US Government, the war in Ukraine (bombing near Lviv - always good for a heart attack), and Roe vs Wade, I’m fucking done.

Oh! And it would have been my mother’s 76th birthday today. I have no trouble picturing an older version of my father, but my mother is forever 46. It’s hard to wrap my head around it.

So yeah. Crappy headspace. Good song. Exhausted Wendell.

Life, in a nutshell.


May 01, 2022 :: 7:08 PM

So.. this has been bouncing around my head for the last few days. It’s really catchy as fuck, and uplifting, and the lyrics make me giggle. Lyrics Translate let me down hardcore, so I’m including the YouTube translation for you.

Leave it to the Ukies to have so much fun with something so terrible. That actually explains a lot about my personality, doesn’t it?

Also, I always lose my shit at Zelenskyy’s wink at the end. ALWAYS.


Їхав танк - окупант
На долю неминучу
Башту відірвало йому
Стугною , за Бучу
Полетів окупант ,
Мігом - 35 -м
Для Київського «Привида»
він - здається став 20-м

Горить , палає техніка ворожа рідна Україна переможе
Горить , палає і ще спалахуй Руській корабель іди …Гей, Гей

Ось пливе окупант
В Бердянську десь гальмує
Тепер ворожий десант
Рапанів там годує
Ще про тракторні війска
маю розказати
Бо все ще десь недобре стоїть
Хай буде біля хати

Горить , палає техніка ворожа рідна Україна переможе
Горить , палає і ще спалахуй Руській корабель іди …Гей, Гей

Чорнобаївка є ,
ворогу портал на той світ
Регулярно все , що летить -
завершає там свій політ
Ще лякають ворогів
Наші біо-воїни
Від гусей , курей і голубів
Тікають в різні сторони

Горить , палає техніка ворожа рідна Україна переможе
Горить , палає і ще спалахуй Руській корабель іди …Гей, Гей


The occupant was driving a tank, to his inevitable fate…
It’s tower has been torn off by stugna* - for Bucha!

The occupant was flying a plane, the Mig-35…
For the “Kyivian Ghost” he seems to have become the 20th hit.

The enemy’s equipment is burning, burning, bright.
Our motherland Ukraine will win!
Burning bright, and it will burn even brighter!
Russian warship go… hey-hey!

Here comes the occupier. His ship is slowly cruising somewhere in Berdyansk.
Now the enemy navy seals are feeding rapanas* down there.

Also about our tractor troops I have to tell you:
Anything that is left unattended will be then used in our homes and gardens.

The enemy’s equipment is burning, burning, bright.
Our motherland Ukraine will win!
Burning bright, and it will burn even brighter!
Russian warship go… hey-hey!

We also have Chornobaivka*. It’s the portal to another world for our enemies.
Everything that is launched here will regularly have its shameful end here.

We also frighten our enemies with our bio-warriors:
From geese, chickens, and pigeons, they are fleeing in different directions! 

The enemy’s equipment is burning, burning, bright.
Our motherland Ukraine will win!
Burning bright, and it will burn even brighter!
Russian warship go… hey-hey!

*anti-tank guided missile
*Rapana venosa is a large predatory gastropod. (Yikes!)
*The Chornobaivka attacks



April 19, 2022 :: 11:31 PM

#dopey2021, try3

I have to vent about this…

Marathon Weekend’s registration opened today at 10.

It’s well known that the “best” way to get a bib is to have multiple browsers open, over multiple types of devices. You can also get into the queue PRIOR to 10AM.

This is all lies.

When I tried to access the runDisney website this morning at 9:50-ish, the site was already down. Like crash, burn, blue screen of death, website down. I had two browsers going on the work computer and just let them sit. I refreshed when I could, or when I remembered to. After a while, I was set to give up, and then - of course - registration was rumoured to be opening back up at 12:30. I fired up my phone around 12:00 and let it sit. Computer was showing more than an hour wait. Phone had 45 minutes. That 45 minutes flew. I finished my registration around 1, and the races were all sold out by 1:30.

I’ve struggled with the idea of doing Dopey again. I already know I’m not a marathoner. Nope. Those 26.2 miles are going to suck, but if I’m not injured, my only enemy will be my brain. And I can drug that fucker into submission.

At the end of the day, I did register for Dopey. I want to try it again. I need to try it again.

And now I feel guilty for registering.

There are a lot of people who got bounced out of the queue while the website was being worked on. A ton of people who were bounced out when one of the races they registered for was sold out. (So… if you had a Dopey and a 5K registration and the 5K sold out, you’d lose both and have to start over again.) Even more people that had sat in the queue only to find out all the races were sold out by 1:30. The loudest screamers are the ones who got into the queue prior to 10AM and missed out. It’s completely random as to who gets in at what time. I mean, it’s just so weird. Someone who gets online at 12:30 had a better chance to get a bib than someone who sat in Disney hell since 9:45.

I don’t know.

Part of me feels bad that I took a spot from someone who waited for more hours than I did.

Part of me doesn’t care because I just have that kind of shitty luck.(Seriously. I didn’t want there to be any races open by the time I got in. *grin*)

And part of me thinks that I’m insane to want to try this again.

So yeah.

#dopey2021 - It’s going to be a fight to the death between the dwarf and I. I wonder who’s going to win this year?

Розпочали стрільці українські з ворогами тан

April 16, 2022 :: 10:35 AM

Ой у лузі червона калина похилилася,

Чогось наша славна Україна зажурилася.

А ми тую червону калину підіймемо,

А ми нашу славну Україну, гей-гей, розвеселимо!

А ми тую червону калину підіймемо,

А ми нашу славну Україну, гей-гей, розвеселимо!

If we’re not Facebook friends, you have missed my ongoing documentation of the war in Ukraine. (Actually, consider yourself lucky we’re not FB friends… I’m so tired of the endless posts about the war, too, but I can’t not share.) I watch the news constantly for attacks on Lviv. On a small village that has no reason to be attacked. On Odesa. Further attacks on Kyiv.

My friends are in Ukraine.

MY FAMILY is in Ukraine.

This is personal.

But anyhoo… I have dissected and ressected (? go with it) and dissected again, my feelings about this. I have compartmentalised and have given my shrinky dink enough material to write a fucking book. And yet the war continues and I continue to learn new things about myself.

Like that stubbornness? The drive to survive at all costs? The ability to be an absolute asshole to anyone who has hurt me?

I used to think it was a side effect of growing up with my mother…

And maybe it is, but not because of the alcoholism.

I’m starting to think that’s not nuture, but nature.

Like it’s encoded in my DNA, passed on from generation to generation of stubborn, survival focused, Ukrainian assholes.

I saw it firsthand: my grandparents, my mother, even my aunt.

I saw it in the rest of the Ukrainian community around Hartford.

I see it in myself.

And I see it in every single Ukrainian person that shows up in my newsfeed, on the news, or on a postage stamp.

One of the things we had planned prior to Putin being a putz was to see Boombox in Miami on March 8th.

Every time this song gets posted, I almost always share the link.

Because I love Andriy Khlyvnyuk (the lead singer). I absolutely adore him and the clip of him singing never ceases to amaze me.

It never ceases to make me feel proud of my heritage - of one of my favourite bands - when this shows up on my newsfeed. To have people who have never heard of Boombox talk about Andriy’s voice, to search out his music… it kind of gives me chills the same way hearing the Ukrainian anthem sung in a plaza in Lviv did. Or hearing it sung at an OE concert at Madison Square Garden, surrounded by a bunch of American born Ukrainian teenagers who weren’t old enough to know a Ukraine under Soviet rule.

And then, there’s Antytila. Who have also gone viral, thanks to Ed Sheeran.

There are so many clips of lead singer Taras Topolya singing on news shows, just speaking about the war, how his family is somewhere in the West…

But I’m going to end this post with a fun video.

I mean, how many bands can lay claim to having Zelenskyy, the fucking President of their country, in one of their music videos?

And he’s absolutely hysterical in it, but you can decide for yourself:


I like to be called ‘cupcake’.

April 13, 2022 :: 9:58 PM

find you someone who looks at you like Chris looks at Peter

Draft four of my ode to statutory rape is in time out.

I love the idea I have.

I love the way I write my characters.

I love everything except for the fact that Yuri is 15.

I’m not ready to write a draft where I age him up.

SO… because I am a writer and writing is as vital to me as breathing, I am writing.

But not Yuri on Ice!!! fic.

I’m back to writing Teen Wolf fan fic.

But not the version I went three drafts on.


Why bother finishing a completely decent story? One that was thisclose to being done?

Because, I suppose, I’m me and I like to do things the hard way.

I started a completely different new fic… with a completely different pairing.

Is it a pairing if it’s an OT3? Whatever.

I’ve decided to write what’s commonly referred to as Stetopher: Stiles / Peter / Chris(topher).

The best part about this fandom is that the Petopher portion practically writes itself.

No. Seriously.

^^^^ LOOK. AT. THAT. UP. THERE. ^^^^

JR Bourne plays Chris Argent and Ian Bohen plays Peter Hale in TW. All you have to do is spend time on instagram to get enough ammunition to fill that ship’s canon. (Ha ha ha! Do you like what I did there?)

Anyhoo… Adding Stiles to the mix makes it that much better.

This happened today and it is still making me giggle.


Thankfully, I do not need to age anyone up this time.

It’s the little things.


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