Still Moving in
May 19, 2007 :: 5:00 PM

seagull in flight :: cape neddick, me
Hi there. Welcome to Good Advices. Stole the name from an R.E.M. song. I always liked it and thought it would be a good domain for a bit of a rebirth of sorts. Meet my warmer, softer side.
I’m in the middle of going back to school, so I’m going to stick with the default template for now. We’ll see when I can squeeze time in to finish the code. *sigh*
And the name? My favorite nickname “hockeycized” as someone put it. I can’t remember who first called me Mat, but I always liked it. It embraced my inner tomboy. And it’s an anagram of the real name, so I’m going to go with it.
Enjoy the pic. I’m off to do homework.