Waiting. Watching. Drinking for ya, baby.
October 28, 2011 ::
10:25 PM
You knew what you wanted… You knew what you needed… I wasn’t a part of it… Even though I really wanted to be
I was reminded today that Dave died in 2002 of a brain aneurysm… so, I have Spring Heeled Jack running through my head.
Anyhoo - it’s time for a little bit of randomness.
1) I’m blogging again at somewhere that’s not here. The idea is to take little snippets of fiction that don’t belong anywhere and stick ‘em there. Possibly to share with That Person. Possibly to share with other writerly type people. I dunno, yet. It’s still too new.
2) The Number Crunching Ninja has hired a Jr. Ninja!!! A panel of four made a unanimous decision, so she better work out. I set up her desk today. A whole lot of cool, and a whole metric shit ton of scary. I’m still really doubting my ability to manage someone. I do have “the social skills of a nat” (sic) after all.
3) Someone out there has my EXACT NAME and is wreaking havoc with my life. Seriously - how many people out there can possibly have my combination of first, middle and last names? Granted, all the necessary credit checks, password resets, and phone calls proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s NOT identity theft. Not that living with a completely fucked up coincidence is even better. I’m really glad that she settled with the collection agency about her debt to a spa. I’m sorry the furniture store is sending her to collections. I’m sorry that her bank is closing her account due to inactivity (Gee, I wonder if that has anything to do with the furniture? durdee dur.) And I’m really, really, really sorry that she has such FUCKING bad taste in movies. (Blockbuster Express made it a little too easy to change her password. Whoops.)
4) Along the same realm - there’s another me (at least first and last name), who’s apparently having marital problems. I finally had to email her husband (ex?) and tell him he was sending his pleas to the wrong person.
5) And more!!!! Your email address at gmail is considered your email address, no matter how it’s spelled. GoodAdvices @ gmail dot com (I don’t know if it exists - ain’t mine) could easily be Good.Advices or g.o.o.d.a.d.v.i.c.e.s. They will ALL redirect to the main gmail account. That could easily explain why I’m getting these other people’s emails, but it’s still annoying. It also results in more spam than one person could ever possibly sort through.
6) BU’s hockey season is depressing so far. Makes me wonder why Millan is still Parker’s go-to guy. I think his freshman year was a fluke. He hasn’t played to expectations since the National Championship year.
7) Watched UConn’s hockey team lose to Merrimack. (MERRIMACK!) Of course, fifty-five minutes in penalties, and losing two guys to game misconducts will do that to a team. That was a bullshit game. How bullshit? Benedetto was on UConn’s side all night. Just proves that T. Low should have stayed a linesman. He was a terrible linesman, too.
8) It’s only midterms and I’ve already lost all interest in being back in school. I don’t think I’m going to do a very good job on the midterm this weekend. It’s an online exam, and while I have three hours to do it, I’m terrified that we’ll lose power or something while I’m in the middle of it. If something happens before you’ve submitted the exam, you’re essentially fucked. (It’s not like they’re forecasting a Nor’easter or anything for this weekend…)
9) I’m breaking up with Every. Single. Person. in my life who is not watching “American Horror Story”. Even J is not exempt from this. This is the most amazing, creepy, well-written show on TV in forever. (Yes, I do believe I love it more than SPN right now. Nothing against SPN, but this show is really good.) Most amazing is that the douche who brought us that shitshow “Glee” is behind it. I can almost forgive him for that. Almost.
10) I’m totally in love with Tate. TOTALLY. Not only is he adorable, but he does this innocent / creepy thing well. AND THE RUBBER SUIT. OH MY GOD. I practically crapped myself when he pulled the mask off. (How cute is Evan Peters? Someone said that he reminds them of a young Malcom McDowell - circa “A Clockwork Orange”. While I was quite fond of the movie and can see the similarities, I see Rick Allen when I look at his current IMBD picture.)
From the mouths of adorable drunk guys
October 21, 2011 ::
11:58 AM
HIM: Are you happy?
ME: Yeah. I make good money, I have season tickets to my favorite hockey team, and I have the freedom to see my favorite band whenever and wherever I want.
HIM: You have such passion. You should do something with that passion. (He said something here, but I have NO IDEA what it was and then he yelled)... INDIE MUSIC!
Yeah… I should do something with my passion for indie music, since it ended so well the last time. He knows how it ended, too, so that was a bit of a surprise.
It’s a shame he was so ‘faced that he doesn’t remember that conversation. I’d love to know what he said.
Also - all of BMS uses the word “wiener” to describe the male genitalia, except for Rollz who called it a “cock” once before reverting back to “wiener”. Coming from a group of friends who yell “PENIS!” at each other, it’s kind of a refreshing change. (And that conversation about Ron Jeremy’s killer wiener makes me want to trade my stick in for an automatic… I suppose I need to see that movie now. *shudders*)
We all go back to where we belong.
October 18, 2011 ::
5:52 PM
It’s like Michael Stipe can read my mind…
How many times have I said that I keep coming back to where I’m supposed to be? (Here’s one!)
R.E.M. is streaming their newest (last) single via RollingStone.com, and the title is “We all go back to where we belong”.
It’s kind of creeping me out. Seriously.
We all go back to where we belong.
I keep coming back to where I’m supposed to be.
Is this similarity the result of listening to R.E.M. my entire life or is Michael Stipe reading my blog? (How fucking cool would THAT be?!?!?)
Five minutes? Why not?!
October 17, 2011 ::
7:59 PM
So, that someone who asked for me to send him some of my writing has promised to reciprocate. I’m still waiting on him…
But in the meantime, I’m working on another piece of my own. I don’t feel that the chick lit stuff I usually spew during NaNo is up to par with the piece I previously sent, so I’m writing a new one.
Writing what I know has turned into a ‘tribute’ of a night that will probably live in infamy. Yes, for those in the know—it’s a rehashing of the infamous “Five Minutes” night. Some of the details will change a bit since he knows all the major players, and there will be some more contemporary things specific to a couple of my conversations with him, but it’s time to put that damn ticking clock behind me.
The weird thing is that as I was re-reading his email to me about how well I write (I needed a pep talk), this song came on that “Five Minutes” Man’s band covered. Spooooooooooooooooooky!
The other weird thing is that I’ve been listening to Fall Out Boy a lot lately. Holy cow! It’s like every single song is about love gone wrong. At least two that I’ve noticed are about cheating and there are a few about one-night stands.
Considering the whole “Five Minutes” conversation, it’s oddly fitting… even though nothing explicitly named in that conversation happened IRL, the story is going to take the “why not” approach.
Should be an interesting tale… Cathartic, at the very least.
Ready or not, BMS takin’ over!
October 14, 2011 ::
11:53 PM

bms :: spot underground, providence, ri :: june 19, 2011
After this weekend, I don’t think there’s a more fitting lyric in Black Mountain Symphony’s cover of “Ready or Not” than “But, no, don’t weep. C-Rollz’ in a state of sleep.”
Seriously. That damn kid can sleeeeep! (Well, in all fairness, they all can. I wish I was so lucky!)
The Seacoast Fringe Fest was this weekend in Portsmouth, so the band came up to perform Saturday, Sunday, and today. We played host (of course) and it was well worth it.
This was the second time I found myself up too late with Bill, Orion, and Rollz, and there were (again) some interesting conversations. And (again), the conversations got even more interesting after Bill left. (I’m not sure why, but I’ll take it!) Rollz was completely ‘faced and he ended up yelling at me. The basic gist of it was that I’m passionate and I need to do something with that passion. I thought it was adorable.
As if I needed ANOTHER sign that I’ve been making peace with my past, I know I’ve come a long way when I think a drunk guy yelling at me is adorable. Those signs are coming fast and furious lately. It’s interesting… I’ve been dealing with my demons for how long now? Twenty something years?
The big take-away from that conversation is when both Orion and Rollz told me I needed to stop asking “why” and start asking “why not”. Yeah. Two drunk guys giving me really good life advice that I’m thinking about taking. (SEE?!?! MORE. SIGNS.)
There was a lot of other stuff, and a lot of other people involved in this weekend, but it’s the Orion and Rollz Show that sticks in my head.
Three AM conversations, man. There’s just something about them.
Hopefully, there will be many more…