Friday, May 17, 2013

It’s been a long day…


we need to talk about kevin

For the record, I’m bored.

Also for the record, I am crazy.

Also, also for the record, I an neither bored nor crazy enough to look for weird shit on FFNet.

Except, that’s a game of two truths and a lie right there.

Not only do people write fan fic for a RADIO SHOW, they ship Martin/Arthur.


Now, I have this image of Benedict Cumberbatch (Martin) getting it on with Richard Hammond (that’s who Arthur reminds me of).

I think I need to go bleach my brain or something.

Posted by Matty on 05/17 at 07:13 PM
completely randomPermalink

Why do we “whine” but the British “whinge”?


see? cas knows that pie is the way to dean’s heart

I’m starting to get feedback from recruiters, and I’m in this weird place of not being experienced enough or having too much experience.

I don’t know how to fix this.

Plus, I’m either too expensive or too cheap. Trust me, while I want to be worth $90K/year, and most of those jobs are surprisingly in my wheelhouse, my experience has been in small companies, so I’m an immediate “no”.

I have no idea how to fix that either. 

The best part of this ridiculous in-between is that I’m probably not going to be able to get unemployment because of the clusterfuck the last job became. Did I quit? Was I fired? I don’t know… And the cherry of top of THAT sundae? No one at NHES will talk to you. You have to go there, sit at a computer, raise the flag at that cubicle to get someone’s attention only to have them tell you, “I don’t know. Why don’t you file the claim any way?” Since I’ve already done that once, I just reopened my claim. I guess we’ll see what happens. 

Last time, I’d already been through several interviews at this point. I haven’t even had one outside of meeting with two recruiters in Boston last weekend.

I could go on and on and on about how worthless I feel. How bad it feels to get up in the morning and not know what’s going to happen. To send out 10 resumes a day and not get any feedback. To have several recruiters working for me who either aren’t getting feedback or are writing me off quickly because I’m under/over qualified.

I’m tired.

I’m frustrated.

I’m depressed.


Posted by Matty on 05/17 at 10:45 AM
completely randomPermalink