Are you kidding me?!?!
August 26, 2007 :: 9:41 PM

august twenty-sixth two thousand seven :: north station, boston
As seen on the ceiling of North Station’s new waiting area.
Words completely escape me.
august twenty-sixth two thousand seven :: north station, boston
As seen on the ceiling of North Station’s new waiting area.
Words completely escape me.
jeff’s dirty thirty surprise party :: august eighteenth two thousand seven :: viz, jeff, me
“My college experience wasn’t what I had planned. It bore no resemblance to the pictures in the brochure. But I’m not unhappy; I don’t think any of us are. We got what we needed out of it. It’s kind of like going on a vacation - you plan everything out but one day you make a wrong turn or take a detour, and you end up in some crazy place you can never find on the map, doing something you never thought you’d do. Maybe you feel a little lost while it’s happening. But, later, you realize it was the best part of the whole trip.”
That quote from the movie “Threesome” says a lot of what’s been on my mind - but it totally skips over the importance of the people you shared your college experience with.
College brought me two of my best friends ever and the end of college slowly took them away. While the road back together wasn’t without its bumps and bruises, I’m still not sure I would change the way things went down over the past several years. Everything happens for a reason… maybe we really needed to go our separate ways in order to appreciate what we brought back into each other’s lives on Saturday.
I’ve discovered that you don’t get magical moments like Saturday very often and I am oh so very thankful that it came around. I can’t remember the last time I felt that complete, that whole. It’s amazing the power that friendship has in our lives.
I’ve always loved these guys - the other half of my brain and my little brother - to the point where they are my family. My blood. Saturday was the first time the three of us had been in the same place in years. There was no awkwardness, no hurt feelings, no anger to cloud the day amd it was amazing in so many different ways. If I had had to live my college life without them, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, it would have been posed and fake like the brochure. They brought so much craziness and chaos into my life that even today, a mere 72 hours since we last connected, there’s this huge empty void in my life when they’re not around. Being with these two is like doing drugs -the highs are amaziing and going cold turkey sucks.
There really is so much more I could say, but there are no words to express the gratitude I have for these guys. I am truely blessed to share my life with these wackjobs and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
august twenty-fourth two thousand two :: the venetian :: blogcon 2002
This is one of my most favorite wedding pictures… It still blows my wee little introvert mind that I hopped on a plane to go to Vegas to meet a bunch of people I only knew from their blogs. I still can’t believe that bloggers were at my wedding! God bless teh interweb!
“Child’s Aran Sweater” by Yankee Knitter, Addi Turbos (6 & 8s - I knit tight), Lion Brand Wool-Ease in forest green heather
The Baby Sweater of DOOM! is finally finished.
Note to self: it doesn’t matter how stinkin’ small the sweater is, aran sweaters take a sh’load of work.
Second note to self: blackberry (bobble) stich makes you break out in hives. Do not knit anything that requires blackberry again!
Third note to self: I bet I could fly through a baby sweater that doesn’t require 2 types of cables and the flippin’ blackberry stitch….
I have apparently been bitten by the sweater bug. Is this a good thing?