Downy Woodpecker
July 04, 2007 :: 9:24 PM

downy woodpecker :: gkp :: july fourth two thousand seven
We went back to the land in Maine today to clear a path to the water. We’d like to bring the kayak up there sometime - never mind actually use the land we pay a gazillion dollars in property tax for.
So anyhoo, have camera, will travel. No sooner did we get out of the car, than I saw this little fellow. We have (at least) one in Seabrook, too. When he made his first appearance in our backyard, he created quite a ruckus. Just with his name alone— J and I reverted to Beavis and Butthead mode: “Heh-heh. You said wood.”
I’m tired but I still have to finish a take home exam and start some other homework. That’s my exciting fourth. Maybe if we’re lucky one of the neighbors will keep us awake all night (again) with their fireworks. Have a happy and safe remainder of yours!