Sunday, January 04, 2015

Three words…

best use of that screen grab ever

Yeah, it’s that time again.

So far, I’ve had self / family / create / happiness / travel / J… I’ve been wondering what to use this year.

And I’ve been struggling because things are so messed up right now. I haven’t had any energy lately to do anything, let alone think about the future.

BUT… I think this year’s words should probably be writing / Ukrainian / knitting.

They’re way more specific, but I think that’s better. All three are things I really want to work on and make time for.

Of course, none of those things go along with the fact that I need to lose the 30 pounds I gained by stress eating all year, but maybe I’ll find a way to work it in to Ukrainian. Audio recordings and podcasts while running on the treadmill?

Posted by Matty on 01/04 at 01:11 PM