Sunday, March 07, 2010

It really is the little things (*snicker*)


boomer and matty :: agganis arena, boston, ma :: march 7 2008

I’m in a bit of a reflective place this weekend. Some really bad crap went down last week. None of it affected me directly, but it affected some of my friends in major ways. It’s not my place to say what happened, because I don’t really know, and it’s not my story to tell, but it was bad. Really bad. It caused a few of them to think about their lives, and like a snowball, it got me thinking about mine.

I had a conversation a few months ago with the brother of one of my best friends. I thought about him yesterday when I pulled on my new favorite shirt. On the front of it it says “the journey is the destination”. I used to focus on the end goal - where I wanted to be in five, ten, twenty years. I still do, but it’s been offset with the urge to live every day like it’s my last. My father’s final lesson, taught on the day he died: Life is too fucking short. Live it while you can. (And yes, my father would have dropped the f-bomb.) So, I’m learning how to enjoy the journey even though it’s taken me places I never would have expected. It’s not all bad… there are a lot of perks to just letting go and following your bliss.

Like this text message I received at 4AM: K thanks again 4 coming. Love u guys.

Sometimes, I find it odd that the things that bring me the most joy are the simple, stupid things…

Posted by Matty on 03/07 at 04:21 PM