Thursday, April 18, 2024
I owe Eminem an apology
I’m a candle; I’ll go out if you blow me
So, yeah.
I didn’t give him enough credit when The Slim Shady EP dropped, but fuck, he gets it all and more now.
I can’t even begin to tell you how much I enjoy the way he plays with words. The way they fit his mouth, dance over the track, just… everything.
This song right now is on repeat. Ed Sheeran’s chorus is spot on, the word play, and the emotion that comes across in that one “FUCK!” (you’ll know when you hear it)—Absolute perfection. Every single second of it.
(TW: abortion)
Two weekends ago, I spent three amazing days with my little brother.
I hadn’t realised how much I needed to see him until that first hug in Epcot.
I was the first friend he ever brought home from college and, apparently, I’m the only one that stuck around.
There’s so much I can say about that… but I’m not ready to discuss it. Yet.
I hired a photographer to do a Dopey medal photo shoot at Uni. It was a birthday present to myself, but I didn’t splurge - I hired a person who took photos as a hobby so that she could build out her portfolio and… I’m not happy with about 99% of them, but this one came out exactly as I imagined it! Well… if the medals were in focus, maybe.