What a difference a week makes!

the crappy little fan fic that could

Yeah… I’m still a wee bit excited by the response.


I’m ridiculously proud of the (subtle) improvements in my Ukrainian. I knew it was finally sticking when I forgot to cancel this morning’s class. Amazingly, I had an excuse at the ready as to why the homework wasn’t done. I did end up doing the homework AFTER I realised I could tell her “I didn’t get any homework done because I was sick” in Ukrainian. In practically perfect Ukrainian.

Odd that THAT would serve as motivation to actually do the homework before today’s class. Class was still rough - I have no voice - but it wasn’t terrible.

My pronunciation still sucks balls, but everything else is progressing nicely.


Cranking along on my third Drarry fic.

Yeah. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me either.


Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/07 at 06:34 PM
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