The truth is in ya face when ya hear the MAPPA canon go BOOM
I can’t with this fucking show and I’m really not a huge Victuuri fan
So… that training I signed up for? It’s actually kind of working. At least, I feel like I’m pushing myself harder. Part of it is HAVING to do the runs and part of it is me trying to “show off” to the trainer. Totally the best money I’ve spent on running (excluding the treadmill, of course).
Speaking of, it hasn’t fucking shipped yet! I originally bought the cheaper one, but it wasn’t due to be back in stock until July 15th. They suckered me into an upgrade (basically, I saved $500 off the one I actually wanted) with the promise that it was in stock. I know I should be more patient, but the CRC Road Trip starts this week and I was really, really, really hoping I could break it in over the 10 days.
To ease my disappointment, I bought new HOKAs to break in. This time, I was smart enough to link them to my Garmin so that I could track the milage better. They feel just as good as the ones that have the 1,000 miles on them.
Today is an 8 mile long run, which I think is also my longest Racery run. Next weekend is a 9 mile long run. I’m starting to get nervous about the mileage, and then I remember… my dumb ass signed up to run a fucking MARATHON. And a 5K. And a 10K. And a half marathon. CONSECUTIVELY.
Jesus jumping Christ on a motherfucking pogo stick, I am an idiot.
Who decided that doing the Dopey Challenge was a good idea?
In other news, living at the office has become a thing.
I’ve been working some Saturdays and I still don’t feel like I’m making progress.
I mean, I know I am, but…
The financial statements actually are starting to report real, useful, data.
We’re finalizing our purchasing / AP procedure because it is a shit show.
We’ve had a bunch of turnover, including a girl who barely lasted an entire day.
People are on 30 and 60 day notices and my 90 day trial period is ending in about a week.
Our best admin employee is a 16 year old high school drop out, who is working part time. Of course, he’s working there because his dad got him hired, but he is so much more productive than the kid he replaced. Original kid had a degree in engineering, but had no interest in doing it… which makes me wonder why he ever bothered to piss away all that money on college if he didn’t want to work in that field. I mean, I have two Bachelors and the last thing I want to do is barely interesting admin work.
Picking up Polish in earnest as of today.
Rewatched Hamilton last night. I picked up so many new details. (Also, it was the anniversary of the Burr/Hamilton duel so it felt like the proper thing to do.)
Speaking of Hamilton, one of the girls in Hamilclaws doesn’t like the movie because it doesn’t flow like the soundtrack. Uh, it’s two very different things. I love the soundtrack, don’t get me wrong, but I do like the musical just as much. I think it’s the emotion… you don’t really get that in a polished recording. Some of the expressions… the additional scene… the fucking emotion Pippa is capable of. I think the reason I didn’t like it live the first time I saw it was that I wasn’t close enough to the stage and - possibly - the touring cast might not have been as good. Our King George was SO MUCH BETTER than Groffsauce, but I can’t remember the other actors, so that says a lot.
Working on becoming a notary today. Have to take a three hour course online so that will be the highlight of my day.
Being a grown up is boring.