That’s just mean…


benefreckle suitybatch

I *know* I have a better version of this somewhere, but dipped if I can find it.


The fucking Sherlock fandom is KILLING me.

I don’t know if you remember the huge amount of fun that my discovery of “Alone on the Water” was, but here you go.

I came across a parent!lock fan fic that absolutely broke my fucking heart into pieces, put them back together and then broke it again. It’s called “Where I Cannot Find You” and I’ve downloaded the PDF from Ao3, so that I can add it to my list o’ “Shit That Can Make Me Cry When I Need To Whether I Want To Or Not”.  (Yes, I have a PDF copy of “Alone on the Water”, too. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a good - forced - cry every one in a while. It does what the drugs can’t.)

I’m flabbergasted with it’s brilliance. With it’s ending. With everything.

I read shit like this and it makes me feel like such a hack.

Definitely not how I needed to end tonight.


Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/04 at 11:22 PM
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