Relevence. Please.

toledo is weird

oh, toledo, i almost miss you

So, the phone screen I had today led to three online assessments:
1) Another fill-in-the-blanks one / personality one
2) An accounting one
3) A how well can you learn new software one

I’ve only done #1 because I want to be able to concentrate on #2 and I’m not in that head space right now…

It’s just so confusing to me. I don’t get why my ability to place a word in a sentence is so important in determining whether or not I can get an interview.

I’m also totally surprised that the duality of my personality didn’t screw me over in the personality portion.  (I’m an introvert masquerading as an extrovert… it’s hard to choose answers that don’t make me sound completely Jekyll and Hyde-ish.)



I found another timing error with my fan fic. That anguished wailing you heard earlier? Yep. Me.

*grumble grumble grumble*

I should just label the freaking thing an AU and get over it.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/28 at 04:04 PM
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