Obligatory year end post
me with my d40 :: da ‘brook :: september sixteenth two thousand seven
My life has always been this incredible ride - some years more than others. This year, I’ve seen The David twice, mended fences with old friends, made superficial contact with old friends and family members, hung out with people I love dearly and don’t see enough of, dropped more balls than I can count, made new friends, lost some, did a very good deed, started watching football (!!!!), went to Ohio and changed jobs (which included changing the 5 year plan).
Normally I do a silly new year’s resolution list and I probably will again this year. It’s the joy of the fresh start, not the actualization of anything on that list, mind you… I do want to do one thing and get it done before I go back to work on Wednesday and that’s finish this stinkin’ design. None of the back pages are finished and that bothers me. I hate leaving things undone - I’ve come to learn that its not the end of the world & that I’m doing more important things with that time (homework, Wii, family, sleep) but that doesn’t make it any less grating.
I have also closed up shop on my other blog. I didn’t like where it went after I had a pretty good breakdown and I wanted a fresh start - without my name attached. I’ve got a new domain, privately registered, and I’ve begun using that persona in a couple of forums. It’s not as comfortable as “Matty”, but since I’ve been a Mat for a long time, I’m sure the new name will grow on me. Whatever. The whole point is, I miss my daily rants full of language I do not wish co-workers and other random googlers to find. This here is nice but very stifling.
I did a lot of stuff this year that I wasn’t planning on and discovered, for the zillionth time, that my father was right. I can survive. I am strong. I am independent. I am me, and that ain’t such a bad thing lately.
It’s funny that everything that happened this year was never on my 2007 list of resolutions. I guess we’ll just have to see what winds up on my 2008 List of Things That I Want To Do But Will Probably Never Get To.
Have a happy and safe holiday weekend, no matter how you plan on spending it.