Wednesday, November 21, 2007
All Messed Up

final game :: brown arena :: boston university :: january second two thousand five
Being a BU fan lately is like watching the Hartford Whalers… but hope always springs eternal. The BC game is next Saturday. Its the only game at Agganis this year, but I suppose I could suck it up, sell my soul, and go to Chestnut Hill for the other two. I’m not sure it will be a win, but at least it will be a good game. *sigh*
So anyhoo, I’m sitting here taking a break from my accounting project when the weirdest thought pops in my head. All the desktop icons on my Macs (all three of them) live on the right side of the screen. The desktop icons on my peecee at work and Peter are on the left side. Now, it’s not that that’s how they come out of the box. I did a bad, bad, bad thing and put Windows XP on the MacBook… its icons are still on the right hand side, so this is a conscious arrangement of icons.
Of course, I had to google the different sides of the brain and try to make sense of this… the working side of my brain - the one that spends all its time buried in impossible excel spreadsheets - is the left side. The creative side - the one that works on web design, blogging, and photochoppin’ - is the right side. Logic, left, peecee. Creative, right, Mac.
Somehow I’ve managed to align the sides of my brain with the tasks they’re related to and set up my computers accordingly.