liberal agenda

Friday, June 24, 2022

So. Can I order my handmaid’s uniform on Amazon?

thought about making this my FB profile pic, but nobody would get it except you, dear reader

The last time I couldn’t look away from the computer at work, the last time I cried at my desk, was January 6th.

I had hoped those days were behind me… but nope.

Welcome to Trump’s America, where the damage done is long lasting and probably won’t be repaired in my lifetime.

Posted by Matty on 06/24 at 06:41 PM
liberal agendaPermalink

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Моя маленька незалежність...

Just a reminder… Harry Potter and his friends won that war. Avada Kedavra!

As I’m doing my quick run through of Facebook, I stumbled upon a video of Святослав Вакарчук (lead singer of Океан Ельзи (Okean Elzy) - probably Ukraine’s biggest rock band.) just jamming out on a piano in front of the Lviv train station.

Taken out of the context of the war, that would be the coolest thing to stumble upon.

The set list was awesome. It’s interesting how, when put together, it’s very obvious the message Slava was sharing with the crowd. Oddly enough, it was all songs that I love that have a special meaning to me. The majority of them I’ve used as anthems as a sort, too, while fighting with the worst of the bipolar. (I’ve cut and pasted my favourite lyrics thanks to Lyrics Translate - any mistakes cutting and pasting the Ukrainian are mine. Any English errors are not.)

1) Без бою (Without a fight) - Я не здамся без бою (I won’t give up without a fight)

2) Еверест (Everest) - Шум і тисяч їхніх слів, часом приносить біль. / Та дощ із хмари темних стріл не потрапляє в ціль. / І ми продовжуєм нести свій прапор, а не хрест. / Ми продовжуєм іти на власний Еверест. (Noise and thousands of their words, sometimes brings pain. / But the rain from the cloud of dark arrows doesn’t hit the target. / And we continue to carry our banner, but not our cross. / We continue to walk on our own Everest.)

3) На небі (In the sky or In heaven) - А часом / Коли я сам не свій / І в голові дивні думки / І на душі сумно... (Once in a while, I feel so blue / So many thoughts rush through my head / And in my heart sorrow)

4) Не питай (Don’t ask)- Не питай / Де я був коли тобі було так солодко / Де я був коли тебе таку незайману / Підіймали вище неба / Тільки сам на сам / Хіба не там (Don´t ask / Where was I, while you felt so sweet, / Where was I, while you, so untouched, / Were raised higher than heaven.)

5) Не твоя війна (Not Your War) - Бій на світанні. Сонце і дим. / Мало хто знає, що ж буде з ним. (Battle at dawn. Sun and smoke. / Few know how it will end.)

6) Місто весни (City of Springtime) - Бентежне століття загоює рани / Ще до повноліття тут всі ветерани (A turbulent century is healing its wounds / Even before coming of age, everyone here is a veteran)

7) Обійми (Hug Me) - Коли настане день, / Закінчиться війна (The moment the day comes / This war will be over)

8) Все буде добре (Everything will be OK) - І все буде добре / Для кожного з нас. / І все буде добре, / Настане наш час.(Everything will be all right / For everyone of us / Everything will be all right / Our time will come)


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As is the norm lately, too much in my head. Too much I won’t write about here.

The balance between blogging publicly and keeping certain things private is never ending…


Posted by Matty on 03/12 at 01:46 PM
#fuckPutinbipolarliberal agendamusic is lifepolyglot in trainingukrainian by bloodPermalink

Saturday, November 07, 2020

You’re gonna need electoral approval and you don’t have the votes

A better cure for my recent anxiety and depression than my meds…

There’s so much I want to say, but I’m too busy crying tears of joy.

I will share this story, though.

The other day at work, I was telling a coworker of mine that I wished I could live somewhere in Europe, or Ukraine, because I have too many days when I hate my country.

He couldn’t understand why I would say that.


On Monday, I’m going to point to that map and tell him, “THAT’S why I hate this fucking country. This race shouldn’t have been this close.”



- - - - - - - - - -

I’ve managed to burn myself out way past the point of burn out and I didn’t even think that was possible.

And yet, I’m still bringing work home. Still spending weekends in front of the computer.

I “clocked out” early today. I did the one big project I wanted to do and then that was it.

I’ll be back at it tomorrow, but tonight, we celebrate.

Posted by Matty on 11/07 at 05:15 PM
liberal agendaPermalink

Thursday, September 03, 2020

1984 was set 36 years too early


I can’t believe the country is split in the way it is. There is no middle ground. Not any more…

I’ve been trying to stay out of political conversations - ESPECIALLY at work, where they lean a little more conservative - but tend to fail.

I basically threw a co-worker out of my office today because she wouldn’t shut up about Pelosi.

I’d be OK with her speaking her opinion if everything she said wasn’t a direct quote from Fox News or Trump commercials, but…

I’m just so over Trump and his fucking joke of a presidency.

Could we please end 2020 on a good note by preparing to inaugurate Biden?



Posted by Matty on 09/03 at 08:18 PM
liberal agendaPermalink

Friday, July 03, 2020

History is happenin’

Happy Hamilday, everyone!

I wasn’t a Hamilton fan when I saw it live, but I am now after listening to the soundtrack. That said, there’s a huge difference between the musicality and the visuals. I’m hoping watching it a second time - now that I’m familiar with it - will be a different experience. Plus, it’s the OBC, which should make a difference.I hope.

The Hamilclaws (yes, there’s a Facebook group for everything) are planning a watch party after we’ve all had time to watch it on our own. I never do shit like that, but I’m thinking about it this time.

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In other news, I bought a stupid expensive treadmill  I had originally purchased a $250 one, thinking it was never going to get any use. I ended up putting almost 1K miles on it in roughly a year. Which reminds me, I need to buy new running shoes. I think my first pair of Hokas need to be aged out considering that I wore those for the bulk of the treadmill miles.

I’ve been joking that I outgrew it… that I bought a treadmill destined to be a coatrack. (Because that price range is perfect for those that make resolutions to exercise more.)

Honestly, I think I did. I seriously doubt that I could run a marathon on it without killing it. I think having the iFit membership and a treadmill that will respond to the different workouts will make a huge difference as I work on logging longer runs on it. Plus, the idea that I can run on an incline AND a decline was a huge selling point as well.

Of course, it won’t be here until the middle of this month at the earliest. I’m hoping it might be here in time for the next CRC Road Trip, but I’m not going to hold my breath.

Speaking of running… the runDisney Princess weekend series sold out in record time, too. So, that’s now Wine & Dine, Marathon Weekend, Princess, and… the 2021 Rival Run.

If you book through a travel agent or at the previous year’s race, you can purchase your bibs early. Since the 2020 Rival Run was cancelled, there went one option. I made friends with a travel agent at the Universal runs (when the fuck did I become that person?!?!) and I’ve been booking hotel rooms with him. He was my backup for Marathon Weekend.

Imagine my surprise to get an email from him telling me that he could only sign me up for the 10K and Half instead of the Rival Run Challenge - which is heartbreaking. Apparently, they rolled out the TA allocation in a fucked up method and bibs were practically impossible to get. A TA in a rD group said they sold out of the allotment in 8 minutes. EIGHT MINUTES. I’m torn between thinking they should have offered a deferral or a chance to register first if you were scheduled for 2020’s race. It’s not our fault the race was cancelled, you know?

Tomorrow’s 4th of July run has been cancelled and I was really hoping that it would happen. Instead, it’s virtual. My August run has been cancelled as well. I’m waiting for the local September and December halfs to be cancelled / postponed as well.

- - - - -

Florida is experiencing a surge in COVID cases - no doubt because of Gov. DeSantis-Trump. The man was pushing hard to have the state reopen and, even now, won’t put statewide measures in place. Instead, he’s forcing the cities and counties to do it.

Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade Counties are closing the beaches and bars for this weekend. It’s so fucked up. They should have never reopened.

To make matters worse, Universal reopened in June. So did Sea World. Disney’s opening in two phases this month.

The theme parks don’t need to be open right now. NOTHING needs to be open right now.

But, you know, let’s bail out multi-million dollar companies instead of giving out money to the unemployed. The stimulus checks were nice, and we spent ours on luxury items because we both kept working, but we don’t need any more handouts. They really should be shifted to the people who need them… and that’s not going to happen.

It’s reported that The Almighty Orange One is “bored” with the virus. Was “never briefed” on the fact that Russia was paying to have American soldiers killed. Thinks Black Lives Matter is a “hate group/speech.”

He’s totally pandering to the only people he has left. You can’t tell me he didn’t know about the “White Power” chant in a video he retweeted, his campaign is selling shirts oddly reminiscent of Nazi Germany, and he just keeps doing whatever the fuck he wants.

Our only way out of this is to vote him out.

And elect Biden.

Biden is the much better choice, but he’s not the BEST choice. A 77 year old, white, male, career politician is so not my first choice.

But, you know, vote blue no matter who.

This country absolutely deserves to be wiped off the face of the earth so that we can rise again like a phoenix from the ashes.

And hopefully not fuck things up this badly again.

Posted by Matty on 07/03 at 10:31 AM
#threewordsliberal agendarunningso many fandomsPermalink
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