Monday, April 12, 2021
“E” is most definitely NOT for everyone
I’m pre-empting my own fucking blog entry because, for as much as I love an absolutely terrible horror movie, even I can’t get past a movie who’s first line is - no shit - “There’s no such thing as strip ouija…” Like are you fucking kidding me?!?!
If all you have to offer me in the first half hour involves nudity or, well, strip ouija, yeah…. no.
Give me a red ball bouncing or rolling around on its own power or a good “The power of Christ compels you” any day.
All of a sudden, all kinds of fan fic is getting bookmarked. (I might have rediscovered a Drarry fic group. Maybe. In my defence, my fics have been recommended there, so we were bound to cross paths again.)
So… apparently, when a guy gets an inappropriate boner and uses a pillow to hide his obvious interest, he grabs an emotional support boner cushion.
But, wait. It gets better.
“Like if a blueberry muffin was a person. A very intense blueberry muffin.”
OK. I get the cinnamon roll thing, but blueberry muffin? That’s a stretch even for my warped imagination. Doesn’t matter. That fic was such a fun read, I’ll probably read it again.
I’m still working a fuck ton. Still pissing my weekends away trying to get caught up.
Except, that wasn’t enough for me, so now I’m taking a CMA study course. (Not just part 1 or part 2, but the combined, so I’m in class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8-10:30.)
I’m a fucking idiot.
On the plus side, the new accountant is working out, so maybe I’ll be able to hand some of that off soon.
Also - we have a new Director of Operations. He’s so cute. He started, took a look at the way things are, and decided he had to make a fuck-ton of changes in procedures and staff. He and I are on the same page with a lot of things. Surprisingly, they were all the same things I wanted to change when I started. (And on 4/20, it will be a year.) So, yeah.
Welcome to [the company], dude. Where you come in all excited to make some meaningful changes and realise that you’re never going to get there because YOU’RE STILL CLEANING UP THE FUCKING PAST.
He didn’t understand when I told him why I hadn’t closed 2020 or any of 2021 yet.
He does now.