Saturday, May 30, 2020
As the bombshells of my daily fears explode…
it’s hard to write an AU when everything in canon is basically an AU
A couple of weeks ago, the Indigo Girls performed Rites of Passage in it’s entirely.
That album.
That motherfucking album.
R.E.M. might be the soundtrack of my life, but that album?
That album was my life for several years.
It was so weird to sit and listen to it performed live.
All those memories.
Fuck, man, the 1992 version of me was so fucking young. So fucking raw. So fucking hurt and angry.
And there’s not enough room in this world for my pain.
Signals cross, and love gets lost…
Forget about your ego.
Forget about your pride.
And you will never have to compromise
I left my anger in a river running Highway 5.
New Hampshire, Vermont, bordered by college farms, hubcaps, and falling rocks.
Voices in the woods and the mountaintops.
I’m not ready for the dead to show it’s face…
It’s so weird - that’s the year my mother died, that year was nothing but shitty experience after shitty experience - but this fucking album.
It’s still one of my favourites.
Which is odd considering my relationship with Bowie is much the same as my relationship with this album in it’s own kind of way.