Friday, July 26, 2019

I can speak French, too

I needed that laugh so much today…

So. Racery.

Nerf Herders came in first for both the quickest lap around New Zealand and then came in first for the most miles completed. I don’t have the exact numbers, but a lap was something like 1,400 miles. We did 4,444.0. Seriously. May the fours be with you…

Speaking of the OG Fandom, guess who dropped an insane amount of money to run ALL the Rival Run races?

5K? Hell yeah!

10K? Bring it on.

Half marathon? LET’S DO THIS!

Virtual Half? Pew, pew, pew!

Who needs to buy food and pay the mortgage when there are Disney races to be run?

Posted by Matty on 07/26 at 08:22 PM
#threewordsrunningso many fandomsPermalink