Saturday, June 29, 2019

I guess I’m scruffy looking?

yup. another 10 days of running insanity

I don’t know how I keep picking the jobs I do, but holy crap.

A few days ago, while I was taking a half hour for lunch, one coworker made another one cry and a different one got in a fourth one’s face.

You can - on a normal day! - cut the tension in our pod with a knife, but holy fuck. I’m not surprised that it finally blew up and out of proportion.

That said, I’m seriously thinking about leaving even though it’s barely been six months.



Random Tuesday is the most evil organisation in the history of the world. Seriously. It’s not enough to be a member of just one of their clubs. Nope. I belong to all four of their clubs:

Potterhead Running Club.

Whovian Running Club.

Fandom Running Club.

Chilton Running Club (R.I.P.)

So… PHRC/WRC’s last Racery event ended a few weeks ago and FRC’s first one starts next week.

Of course, I had to sign up.


What the fuck has happened to me?

In other news… I have 2 weeks until sign ups open for the Kessel Run Challenge.

23 weeks until the West Palm 5K and Marathon.

29 weeks until the Disney Half.



I found this in my hard drive. Considering one of the Nerf Herder’s hashtags is #OGFandom, this is fitting:

Also of note, I downloaded the Boba Fett costume requirements from Mandalorian Mercs and joined the 501st today. (Someone may or may not be planning to Disneybound as Boba Fett over Rival Run Weekend…)

Star Wars isn’t even close to my primary fandom, but it’s easy enough to embrace. Especially since the 501st is local and I’ve needed to get out and make new friends.

Posted by Matty on 06/29 at 06:34 PM
#threewordscompletely randomrunningso many fandomsPermalink