Friday, March 23, 2018

I’m never getting naked again.

patterns for pirates - peg legs

OK. So.

This has now become a sewing blog.

I don’t really like spandex much. Or leggings.


I got obsessed with the idea that I needed to make myself some spandex pants with pockets.


Yeah, there’s a few holes (bad seams, an incident with a seam ripper), the waistband is rolling, the legs were too long… but I managed to not fuck up the pockets too badly and they fit pretty well all things considered.

Thing of note: spandex with wicked fucking hard to work with.Definitely not my brightest idea to start with.

Tomorrow, the man is working which means I’ll probably be sewing.

I do have a shirt to make. Ideally, I want it done for next casual Friday.

Posted by Matty on 03/23 at 11:07 PM
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