Sunday, November 02, 2014
I can’t wait for Tuesday
So. Tuesday is Election Day in the U.S…
It’s a chance to remove the current idiots in charge and replace them with a new set of idiots. (Or keep the current set, depending on which side wins.)
I have a set of things that I want our
politicians to care about, which normally aligns me with the Democrats. I’d vote for a Republican if I had to, but they don’t seem to care about the people as much as they say they do.
Currently, every Republican I know has way more money than I do and votes with their wallet.
I vote with my heart… it’s the right thing to do.
This year we have an idiot who couldn’t win in MA a few years ago. He jumped borders because he thinks NH voters may like him better than their neighbours.
I think that’s just bullshit. If he stood for the three things I care about most, I still wouldn’t vote for him. He hasn’t lived here long enough to truly represent my best interests. How does he know what NH needs? HE DIDN’T FUCKING LIVE HERE UNTIL HE LOST THE LAST ELECTION.
The other thing that’s got my knickers in a twist is the amount of calls and mailers we get.
I know who I’m voting for and all the annoying phone calls and shit in my mailbox aren’t going to change my mind.
I really fucking hate Election Day. The only redeeming quality it has is that once it’s over, I get another three years and eight months or so of peace and quiet.