Saturday, April 06, 2013

Ovaries. Boom!


matt smith caught the cumberbooty!

I’m going to admit that I had a hard time warming up to Eleven… but I have come to adore him.

It would be boring if all the Doctor’s regenerations were exactly the same. However, you need to see that this is a continuation of the character, not a completely new one. I really do think Matt Smith does a good job of kind of capturing both Nine and Ten’s personalities while being himself. He’s got this dangerous undertone to him. Like he’s a nuclear bomb mere seconds from blowing up. At the same time, he’s also ridiculously childish. You can’t NOT love him in “Let’s Kill Hitler”. I mean, come on - this scene is pure brilliance on par with Ten’s “wibbly-wobbly’ speech from “Blink”:

“So sorry! Leg went to sleep. Just had a quick left leg power nap. I forgot I had one scheduled.
Actually, better sit down. I think I heard the right one yawning.”


There are some things I want to talk about that aren’t related to British TV, but I’m not ready to put them out here yet.

In time.


Posted by Matty on 04/06 at 01:55 PM
so many fandomsPermalink