Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey

I keep giggling over the photos of the TARDIS and Dalek I took almost 5 years ago.

We’re in the middle of a Doctor Who marathon (again - because it has been a bitch getting caught up), and Eleven’s use of Ten’s “wibbly wobbly”  like phrases bothers the shit out of me. He just doesn’t deliver it right.

But, it reminded me of when Rose was with Nine and she left all those Bad Wolf clues for herself. Apparently, I’m a Donna / Rose hybrid because I left clues of my Whovian future, but didn’t remember doing so.

It fits the pattern: Fascination with a blue box and a weird robot. Check. White Subaru. Check. Mazda purchased in MA that was supposed to be delivered to a dealership in Manchester, CT. Check. Job down the street from a place I used to work. Check. The friends I thought would be there forever and the massive fights. Check. Finally getting the German Shepherd I’d always wanted. Check.

A perfect circle - kinda.


We went to Boston yesterday - kind of to make up for the post-lay off trip. There were some things I wanted to buy at Levenger, but couldn’t afford. So, we went back and I treated myself with some of my birthday money. And then we headed to Target, where I bought some stuff for my desk at work. And “The Hobbit”... not because I’m particulary interested in the movie, but because my brOTP is in it. Granted, one’s a dragon and one’s The Hobbit, but still.

I love Boston… if I was going to live in a US city, it would be there. I’m not a city girl, but I love being able to go there whenever I want. It feels like home.Like I’ve said before, London makes me feel the same way. Walking through Boston, through the Common and the Public Garden, reminded me of Hyde Park and St. James’ Park. It was kind of bittersweet - I need to be in London in April, but I can’t go, and it KILLS me. We’re going to have to figure out how to get there soon, but with the new job, I just don’t know how that’s going to happen. (DAMN MY NEW JOB!)

Possibly related: since I fucked up and took a job with a small local company, how the hell are we supposed to move there?


(I’ve been reading way too much brit-picked JohnLock fanfic and since I’m writing my own JL fan fic, I’ve had to immerse myself in the language. A huge apology to all my British friends… I probably sound ridiculous and I do promise that I will never use the phrase ‘chip and pin machine’ when referring to a self-serve checkout machine at a grocery store. Just be glad I’m not attempting the accent!)


BC lost to Union last night. This is the first time the BC Senior class has lost a championship game. Awwww.. my heart breaks for them. NOT!  UMASS-Lowell is going to the Frozen Four. I’m not a huge RiverHawks fan, but I’m glad it’s them and not UNH or BC.

And so life goes on - Doctor Who, Johnlock, and college hockey.

Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.

Posted by Matty on 03/31 at 12:51 PM
#threewordsso many fandomsTravelPermalink

Saturday, March 30, 2013




look! the tardis! and a dalek!

I took these photos of the TARDIS and a Dalek the last time we were in London. That would be September of 2008… long before I became a Whovian. I don’t remember what possessed me to take them, but I am totally laughing my ass off right now because I did.

It’s yet another interesting way my life is circling back.

For example, this new job? Literally down the street from a place I used to work at when we first moved back to New England.


Found this in a JohnLock fanfic and decided it was worth keeping…

You don’t ever have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life. You don’t have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small. If a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and continues to treat you in a harmful way, they need to go. - Daniell Koepke

I know there are probably a few people who are all like “pot? meet kettle.” and that’s fine. The door swings both ways.


Posted by Matty on 03/30 at 07:56 PM
#threewordsso many fandomsPermalink

Thursday, March 28, 2013

My. Fucking. Feels.

As the kids say,


Posted by Matty on 03/28 at 11:46 PM
so many fandomsPermalink



i think i love matt smith… he’s essentially me. but with a penis.

Day four at the new job… I can’t wait for the day when I’m counting it in years and not days. It’s a good fit.

Seriously, though, I don’t know why I bother with recruiters. So fucking useless. I’ve enjoyed telling them I’m employed now.


My jeans are getting big on me. I’m taking that as a sign that the workouts are working… I’m assuming, too, that means that I will be ready for the GORUCK. Wooooooooo!!!!!

June 8th is both coming too quickly, and not quickly enough.


Next weekend, I’m Albany bound. I think I may swing through Connecticut on my way home… there’s a boy I need to see.

Order has been restored to my life.

And it is good.

Very. Very. Good.


Posted by Matty on 03/28 at 09:12 PM
#threewordsFriendsGORUCK CHALLENGEso many fandomsPermalink

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I understand only train station


a little lestrade never hurt no one…

I’m officially the UCONN GIRL! at my new job.

I suppose that’s not any worse than being known as “New Hampshire!”...

It’s two days in to the new job, so I can’t say anything about it. Right now, it’s a job. A job that pays well. A job with people I like.

That’s good enough for me.


Posted by Matty on 03/26 at 09:17 PM
#threewordscompletely randomso many fandomsPermalink
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