Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I. Am. Decidedly. NOT. Smart.

I ended up adding a RADIO RUCK to my GORUCK collection. As much as I love my GR1, it’s a little too long for me to wear comfortably for a long time. The bottom hits my tailbone weird and I can’t imagine wearing it all day loaded with bricks and a bladder. So, after talking to GORUCK’s amazing customer service people, I decided to down size to the RADIO RUCK.

I put the Challenge required four bricks in it and brought it to work. The idea was to bring it to my workout tonight. We’re planning to start with two bricks, but I wanted to see if I could fit the four in there and still carry the bag.


I can see you all out there… “Duh, Nelson. What did you expect? You’re doing something called the GORUCK Challenge. Did you think it - even the ‘light’ version - was going to be easy?”

Well, no, but the reality of what I’m embarking upon finally hit me like a ton of bricks. Literally.

I can do this…

I’m just going to continue to question my sanity while I work towards the June 8th Challenge in Boston.

Posted by Matty on 01/30 at 01:58 PM
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