Wednesday, January 09, 2013
When Fandoms Collide
superwholockians, represent!
So much to write about, but I’m going to keep it short.
The “Where’s Finnick? Odair he his!” jokes have started to fly again around the THG Fandom.
My Shenny fanfic has so many little things that are popping up in other fan fics, that I think head canon has taken priority over canon in the fandom. There’s so few new canon Shenny moments, that they’ve already been used to death by other writers. Now, we just need the writers to accept our head canon and put the show back to the way it used to be… before Shamy ruined it.
Weeping. Angels. Weeping. FUCKING. Angels. They will be the death of me. Every time I see a statue now, I can’t blink. I keep hearing Ten tell me if I blink I’m dead. The nightmares! Holy crap did I have nightmares after watching “Blink”. That’s when I know a show is gooooooood.
So much other stuff, but I had fandoms on the brain…. so there you go.