Tuesday, October 09, 2012


My three favorite songs today, in no particular order:

Til the end, he passed out on the
Sundeck that morning
Quietly saying goodbye
But I was so hammered I sputtered and stammered
Told him he couldn’t just die
He was a rock
Went straight for his own armegeddon
Face froze in a grin
Ambulance flying in, I never drank again
Can’t really call that a loss or a win

- The Drinking Song (Moxy Früvous)


Some people they are scared to croak but Jimmy drank until he choked
And he took the road for heaven in the morning

- Sally MacLennane (The Pogues)


I had too much to drink
I didn’t think
And I didn’t think of you
I guess that’s all I needed
To go it alone

- Half A World Away (R.E.M.)

Any one else sensing a theme here????

Posted by Matty on 10/09 at 11:36 AM