Thursday, February 12, 2009
Valentine’s Day present!
two of my favorite people :: the warehouse, hartford, ct :: february 7, 2009
A while back, Christine (BPC) had a picture in her flickr photostream of her wearing CLEAR PLASTIC Chuck Taylors with hand knit socks. I think that every single Chuck loving knitter in the world went wild when we saw that photo. I know I had a hell of a time finding a pair! I ended up deciding that someday - if it was meant to be - I’d find them and they wouldn’t be backordered until 2199.
Jamie and I went to the Northshore Mall in Peebiddy (that’s the correct pronunciation) for dinner because Chick-fil-a heals all and I had a crappy week. Which, so far, culminated in a spectacular meltdown t work and another one once I got into my car and finally started driving home. Oh yeah, it took me FOREVER to get home tonight because I had to get the results of my MRI. It’s nothing major, just that my kneecap shifted. On both knees. Apparently this is normal in women and explains why I get those shooting pains. He said the answer is an anti-inflammatory med, a brace and physical therapy. woo-freaking-hoo. I was cleared to go skiing on Saturday - even though it would be preferred if I rested. I’m still waiting to hear from someone if we’re on for this Sunday or next week… I have some serious house cleaning to do before we have a guest over, so I probably won’t go even if it does get pushed to next week. I have taxes to do and stuff like that anyway. *sigh* The joy of being a grown up.
So anyway, we went to the mall for dinner. After we ate, we went our separate ways since we like different stores. I stopped to get Jamie a present for the world’s cheesiest holiday. Normally I’m opposed to buying stuff but it is a gift that will keep on giving, and giving, and giving…so it’s an exception. (No, I’m not saying what it is. He might read this!) As we were leaving the mall, his hands empty (I’m guessing because there would be more lame roses in my future… Sorry ladies, I think roses on VD are so cliched that they just lose all meaning.), we pass by the Journeys store and there, in the window, on display for the world to see: CLEAR PLASTIC CHUCKS! Well, I took the $60 that probably would have gone to a florist for f’ing roses, and spent them on my new Chucks.
Now, I finally have the motivation I need to blast through the dreaded second sock! I’m really hoping to have the socks done for my birthday so I can wear them to Manchester for the next Instrument show.
So… if I’m not around much, listen for the sound of the knitting needles clicking together.